Playliste vom 23.07.1988
Dancing Barefoot | Die Art [@wiki] |
Voices | Die Art [@wiki] |
Feelings | Die Art [@wiki] |
Nightmare | Die Art [@wiki] |
Allein | Die Skeptiker [@wiki] |
1933 | Die Skeptiker [@wiki] |
Du stehst vor mir | Die Skeptiker [@wiki] |
Ja Ja Ja | Die Skeptiker [@wiki] |
Holiday in Cambodia | Die Skeptiker & Attila |
Lybian Students from hell | Attila |
5th Colone | Attila |
Holiday in Albania | Attila |
Startbahn Eins | Attila |
Fragile Life | Neurotics |
Air Strip One | Neurotics |
Never Thought | Neurotics |
Don't grave up to me | Neurotics |
Africa | Neurotics |
Black Planet | Sisters Of Mercy |
Walk Away | Sisters Of Mercy |
No Time to Cry | Sisters Of Mercy |
A Rock and a Hard-Place | Sisters Of Mercy |
Possession | Sisters Of Mercy |
Nine while Nine | Sisters Of Mercy |
Amphetamine Logic | Sisters Of Mercy |