Voulez Vous | Ham |
What you've got | Mega City Four |
Andi in a karmann | Sensless Things |
One evening | The Jesus Lizard |
Slaughterama | GWAR |
Das Grauen ist in dieser Stadt | Abstürzende Brieftauben |
Gebt den Faschisten keine neue Chance | Die Mimmis |
Love Song | Abstürzende Brieftauben |
Leipzig D.C. | Kastrierte Philosophen |
You can keep that memory | Animal Crakers |
Iris | The Breeders |
Schatten | Frechheit [@wiki] |
Selbstmord | Die Fanatischen Frisöre |
[mp3] Umwelt | Ulrike am Nagel [@wiki] |
Peter, Paul & Harry | Ugly Huron's |
The time is mine | Slum Turkeys |
Devil on my back | The Passion Flower Hotel |
Kung fu fighting | La Muerte |
0 | Reptile |
(In the) Name of survival | Circle Confusion |
The front | Controlled Bleeding |
Seams | Sink |
Your love is a mine | Goat |