Playliste vom 12.09.1991

Nice new outfitFugazi
Star, sedly flickeringSteve Binetti [@wiki]
Junk againChristy McCool
Ozone layerThe Genuins
Exit onlyFugazi
The PromiseDas Damen
DiphteriaNation of Ulysses
UlythiumNation of Ulysses
DallianceThe Wedding Present
Meat AbstractTherapy?
Don't mean a thingMaximum Bob
Spectra Sonic SoundNation of Ulysses
Bangl a showRichies
Zoos und AutokinosDie Allwissenden Billiardkugeln
GoldfingerWalls Have Ears
Tarry TThe Inchtabokatables [@wiki]
Go WestMolotow Soda
Dans la JardinLolitas
Yellow eyesGun Club
The light pours ot of meSleep Chamber