Playliste vom 21.10.1992
God Save the Queen | Sex Pistols |
Session | The Offspring |
Gimmi Indie Rock | Sebadoh |
Everything you think | D.O.D. [@wiki] |
Raleigh | Arcwelde |
Dog with sharper teeth | Daisy Chainsaw |
Burning Holer | Crane |
Housebastards | Think About Mutation [@wiki] |
Millionaire | Billy Childish |
Defective | Medicine |
Sato Sato | Milch |
Feind sein allein | Sielwolf |
The Pain is real | Shock Therapy |
Must be love | Frog Sandwich |
Being | Phew |
Verstärker | Blumfeld |
Terrible Herbst | Herbst in Peking [@wiki] |
Dig Deep | Cell |
Hey Dister | D.O.A. |
Nazi Traininr Camp | D.O.A. |
Beatin Rock'nRoll toBdeath | D.O.A. |
Lost cause | Negative Approach |
Pressure | Negative Approach |
Rain | Down by Law |
Zeitlupe | Blumfeld |
Fishing | Superchunk |
Everybody is on sale | Alice Donut |
Mind Meld | Sebadoh |
Noise | BNat Happening |
I love my woman | BIlly Childish |